The Sales Management Blog

Lose a Deal Early: Why It Can Be Beneficial

Written by Steve Levitt | May 25, 2022 2:00:00 PM

The Pitch
In sales, not every opportunity will lead to success, and sometimes, losing a deal early can be more advantageous than dragging out an inevitable loss. Here are some reasons why an early loss can be beneficial:

  1. You Were Going to Lose Later: If a deal isn't right, it's better to realize this sooner rather than later. Continuing to pursue a losing deal can waste valuable resources. This early realization prevents the expenditure of time and effort on a deal that was unlikely to close, allowing for a more focused approach on viable opportunities.
  2. Saves Time: Losing early frees up time that can be better spent on more promising leads. This saved time can be redirected to nurturing leads with a higher probability of success, thereby optimizing the sales process and increasing overall productivity.
  3. Avoids a Bad Deal: Not all sales are beneficial. Early losses can prevent the complications of a deal that's not a good fit. Engaging in a bad deal can lead to resource drain and potential reputational damage, so avoiding such deals can be advantageous in the long run.
  4. Can Find Another Deal: The time saved can be used to pursue other opportunities that might have a higher chance of success. This approach ensures that the sales team's efforts are concentrated on leads that align better with the company's offerings and target market.
  5. You Did Good Qualifying/Discovery: Early losses can be a sign of effective qualifying, indicating that your process is working to filter out less promising leads. A robust qualifying and discovery process helps in quickly identifying the most promising leads, thereby increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the sales team.

So What?
Understanding that you can't lose what you never had is crucial in sales. It's about focusing your efforts on opportunities with the highest potential. Early losses, when viewed correctly, can be a sign of an efficient and effective sales process. They allow you to allocate your time and resources more strategically, ultimately leading to better results.

Next Steps
✅ Review your qualifying and discovery processes to ensure they effectively identify viable opportunities.
✅ Focus on pursuing leads that show the most promise based on your criteria.
✅ Use the time saved from early losses to invest in nurturing other potential deals.
✅ Continuously refine your approach based on the outcomes of your sales efforts.

Closed Won!
Losing a deal early can be a strategic advantage in the long run. Do you agree that it's better to lose a deal early than to drag out an inevitable loss? Share your thoughts and experiences on how early losses have impacted your sales strategy.