The Sales Management Blog

Team Exercise To Level Up Your Discovery Meetings.

Written by Steve Levitt | May 10, 2024 6:14:37 PM

The Pitch
Understanding the buyer's perspective is crucial in sales. A survey by PwC found that 73% of consumers point to customer experience as a significant factor in their purchasing decisions. By examining personal buying experiences, sales teams can identify what resonates positively with buyers and what behaviors to avoid, leading to improved customer interactions and increased sales success.

Personal Experience Reflection
Encourage your team to think of both good and bad buying experiences where they were the customer. This dual perspective can highlight what behaviors or strategies by salespeople can make or break a sale. Understanding these experiences firsthand helps empathize with customers and tailor approaches to foster positive interactions.

Analyze Salesperson's Approach
Diving deeper into these experiences, ask your team to reflect on specific actions the salesperson took that influenced their perception. Was it their attitude, approach, or perhaps a lack of attention to the buyer's needs? Analyzing these details can help pinpoint effective strategies and common pitfalls.

Negative Behaviors
Common complaints often include the salesperson being fake, rude, or condescending. These behaviors can quickly turn potential buyers away, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and respect in every interaction.

Lack of Understanding
Another frequent issue is the salesperson's failure to ask about the customer's needs, opting instead to jump straight into a pitch. This can make the buyer feel undervalued and ignored, highlighting the necessity of initial discovery in the sales process.

Obvious Tactics
When tactics feel forced or insincere, they can detract from the customer experience. Sales strategies should be seamless and natural, enhancing the interaction rather than making the customer feel like a target.

Disrespect towards Companions
Being disrespectful to the buyer’s companions, such as a spouse or significant other, can also have a negative impact. Respectful treatment should extend to everyone involved in the decision-making process.

So What?
This exercise highlights the importance of sincerity, respect, and customer understanding in sales. By learning from personal experiences as buyers, sales teams can better understand the dos and don’ts of customer interaction, which can lead to more effective sales strategies and happier customers.

Next Steps
✅ Get your team together and follow this guide. 
✅ Discuss these reflections with your team to identify patterns and learning opportunities about how you approach clients.  
✅ Brainstorm ways to avoid those behaviors - and even replace them with ones that drive more connection to prospects.  
✅Write them down and distribute to the team


Closed Won!
Turning personal buying experiences into learning sessions can transform how your team interacts with prospects. What have been some of your key takeaways from reflecting on your experiences as a buyer? How are you implementing these lessons in your sales strategy to ensure a positive customer experience? Leave a comment or question below, let's help move those deals to "Closed Won!"